I need to start putting things more into perspective. I need to stop over analyzing every little thing and just accept things/people/situations for how good or bad they are and just accept it. I need to take a step back and take everything in. I'd like a nice two week vacation, preferably back to the beach. My stay was far shorter than I had hoped it'd be, but that's because I had to go back to the work/school reality thing. That's life, that's growing up, and I need to stop being a huge baby and accept it. I need to stop being so down on myself all the time and just accept the way I am. I need to be happy with myself.
I hope this year goes by really fast. I'm not looking forward to my upcoming birthday for obvious reasons. I also need to stop being a baby, really, it'd do me some good. Grow up, suck it up, and shut up.
This is probably my last post for a really long time.